Production of NPRC10 protease by recombinant Escherichia coli through submerged culture in 40-L fermenter

 Nội dung tóm tắt: This work describes the production of neutral protease (NPRC10) by recombinant E. coli BL21 (DE3) through submerged culture in 40-L fermenter with working volume of 20 L. The parameters such as cell density, pH, inoculum size, and agitation speed were investigated for the production of enzyme. The results shown that the maximum production of NPRC10 was obtained after 34 h of batch fermentation at OD600 (cell density) of 2, inoculum size of 2% and agitation speed of 500 rpm with medium pH maintained at 7. The highest total activity of NPRC10 during the course of fermentation was approximately 76 unit/mL.

 Thể loại: Quốc tế

 Tác giả: Nguyễn Hoàng Lộc, Hoàng Tấn Quảng

 Đơn vị: Phòng thí nghiệm Công nghệ Gen

 Đăng tại: Annals of Biological Research

 Tập, (số), trang: 2, 6, 62-68

 Số ISSN/ISBN: 0976-1233

 Chỉ số Impact factor:

 Điểm số theo QĐ của HĐ chức danh GS Nhà nước:

 Năm công bố: 2011

 File đính kèm:

 Số lần xem: 125

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Tiếng Việt