Nội dung tóm tắt: Adult rice field eels with 125.52 ± 27.99 g body weight corresponding to 44.79 ± 5.93 cm in length were maturity cultured in a 5m2 cement tank without mud for three months with density 30 eels/m2. Eel broodstocks were fed with three types of food including: sea fish (T1), commercial pellet food (T2) and mixed food—50% sea fish and 50% commercial pellet food (T3). Result showed that the maximum gonadosomatic index (GSI) of female eels fed by sea fish (2.89% ± 0.67%) was higher than both commercial pellet food (1.62% ± 0.62%) and mixed food (2.03% ± 0.82%) (P < 0.05), while, GSI of male eels was 1.27% ± 0.31%, 0.68% ± 0.23% and 1.14% ± 0.41% (P > 0.05). Maturity rate of female fed by sea fish (88.91% ± 9.64%) was higher than commercial pellet food (61.12% ± 9.64%) (P < 0.05). The maturity rate of male eels was rather low and there was not significantly different among treatments (P > 0.05). Then. the eels were induced for spawning with two kinds of hormones, including T1: human chorionic ganadotropin (HCG) at 1,500 IU/kg, T2: luteinzing hormone-releasing hormone (LHRH-a) at 150 µg/kg and domperidon 10 mg/kg, and T3: control without hormone. The results of spawning induction methods showed that the reproduction rate of female eels induced by LHRH-a and HCG hormones were higher than that by natural reproduction method (P < 0.05). Others, the survival rate of fry eels after 5 d using natural reproduction method (92.65% ± 2.54%) was higher than both using LHRH-a (67.77% ± 1.91%) and HCG (68.65% ± 1.23%) hormones (P < 0.05). The average diameter of eggs was 3.40-3.41 mm and the length of newly hatched eels was 1.72 ± 0.19 cm.
Thể loại: Trong nước
Tác giả: Tran Vinh Phuong, Nguyen Van Khanh, Pham Thi Hai Yen, Vo Dieu, Nguyen Van Huy
Đơn vị: Phòng thí nghiệm Công nghệ enzyme và protein
Đăng tại: Journal of Agriculture Science and Technology A and B & Hue University Journal of Science
Tập, (số), trang: 7, Special, 85-92
Số ISSN/ISBN: ISSN 2161-6256(A); ISSN 2161-6264(B)
Chỉ số Impact factor:
Điểm số theo QĐ của HĐ chức danh GS Nhà nước:
Năm công bố: 2017
File đính kèm:
Số lần xem: 106
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