Evaluation on Agronomical Characteristics of F1 HybridTomato Lines in Spring-Summer Season 2015 in ThuaThien Hue

 Nội dung tóm tắt: The four F1 hybrid tomato lines (CT2011, CW2011, TS2011, and CLN2011) and two commercial F1 hybrid tomato cultivars used as Control check (TN52 and TN561) were evaluated for yield and yield components. The efforts were made to minimize reliance on the import of hybrid seed. The experiment was laid out in RCBD with three replications in spring-summer season 2015. Data was recorded on five plants for each replication. The results indicated that all of F1 tomato hybrid lines grew well under Thua Thien Hue condition. CT2011 had highest plant height and following was TS2011 and CLN2011. CT2011 is a cherry type and obtained highest percentage of fruit setting (82.87%) and highest of Brix (4.97). This line also had high yield (70.91 tons/ha). TN52 had highest yield (80.69 tons/ha) among the processing tomato lines, and TN561 had biggest fruit (90.1 g). All of F1 hybrid tomato lines had high resistant level to late blight and bacterial wilt diseases.

 Thể loại: Không thuộc ISI/SCOPUS, có ISSN/ISBN

 Tác giả: Trương Thị Hồng Hải, Thao Thu Phan, Lê Thị Khánh

 Đơn vị:

 Đăng tại: Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology A and B

 Tập, (số), trang: 5, 501-507


 Chỉ số Impact factor:

 Điểm số theo QĐ của HĐ chức danh GS Nhà nước:

 Năm công bố: 2015

 File đính kèm:

 Số lần xem: 244

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