Nội dung tóm tắt: In this study, we report the expression level of CaSQS, CabAS and CaCYS, the genes involved in phytosterol and triterpene metabolic pathway of centella (Centella asiatica (L.) Urban), in cells elicited with salicylic acid (50–200 lM). Reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and Northern blot analysis indicated CaSQS, CabAS, and CaCYS genes expressed in both the wild-type and cultured cells (with and without elicitation). In elicited cells, expressions of CaSQS, CabAS, and CaCYS genes showed strong dependence on salicylic acid concentration and elicitation day. The highest expression of CabAS gene was found in the cells elicited with 100 lM salicylic acid on day 10 of inoculation. Salicylic acid treatment (50–200 lM) decreased expression level of CaCYS and CaSQS genes in elicited cells compared with the control.
Thể loại: Thuộc danh mục SCOPUS
Tác giả: Nguyen Hoang Loc, Nguyen Duc Huy, Nguyen Thanh Giang
Đơn vị: Ban lãnh đạo viện
Đăng tại: 3 Biotech
Tập, (số), trang: 6, 86, 1-7
Số ISSN/ISBN: 2190 - 572X, E-ISSN 2190 - 5738
Chỉ số Impact factor:
Điểm số theo QĐ của HĐ chức danh GS Nhà nước:
Năm công bố: 2016
File đính kèm:
Số lần xem: 76
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