Dissertation information of PhD. candidate Nguyen Tran Trung, major in Biology

Institute of Biotechnology, Hue University announces the dissertation information of PhD. candidate Nguyen Tran Trung, specifically as follows:

Full name: Nguyen Tran Trung

Dissertation title: Characteristics of structural protein encoding genes of Porcine parvovirus (PPV) in Central provinces of Vietnam.

Major: Biology

Code: 9420101


– Assoc. Prof. Tran Quoc Dung, University of Education, Hue University

– Dr. Nguyen Thi Dieu Thuy, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology

Training institute: Institute of Biotechnology, Hue University.

Contributions of the dissertation:

– The thesis has determined the prevalence and coinfection rate of four strains PPV1, PPV2, PPV3 and PPV4 in pigs raised in seven central provinces; Solved and analyzed the gene sequences encoding structural proteins of three PPV2 strains, the genome sequences of two PPV4 strains and the NS1/VP1 gene region sequences of two PPV3 strains isolated in the Central region and analyzed the relationship Genetics of strains PPV2, PPV4 and PPV3 isolated in the Central region with PPV strains circulating in the region and around the world.

– The thesis has provided valuable information in studies on the molecular epidemiology of PPV strains, effectively supporting the management and control of diseases in pigs, especially for SMEDI, contributing part in minimizing economic losses for the pig farming industry in the Central provinces in particular and Vietnam in general. At the same time, the thesis has provided updated scientific data, serving research, teaching and training in Biology, Biotechnology, Animal Husbandry and Veterinary majors at universities.

The detail information:



– PhD DISSERTATION_Nguyen Tran Trung (PDF)
