Assessment of thematic and literature review for PhD candidate

On March 17th 2023, Office of Science, Training and International Cooperation and Department of Applied Biology and Biotechnology organized the Council to assess a literature review: “Research on molecular characteristics of gene structural protein encoding of porcine Parvo virus (Porcine Parvovirus-PPV) in central provinces of Vietnam” and 03 thematics including “Molecular tools in organism identification”, “Molecular diagnostics”, and “Phylogeny and its application” for PhD candidate Nguyen Tran Trung who was recognized as a PhD candidate in 2019.

PhD candidate Nguyen Tran Trung reported the related contents of the literature review and 03 thematics before the Professional Council, and received high appreciation. The members of the Council recognized the efforts of the PhD candidate in the process of conducting the literature review and thematics. Besides, the Council also had suggestions and directions to support the PhD candidate completing the reports.

PhD candidate Nguyen Tran Trung presenting related research
