Assessment of the thematic for PhD candidate in 2020 and 2021

      On May 17th 2024, Office of Science, Training and International Cooperation and Department of Applied Biology and Biotechnology coordinated to organize the Councils to assess two thematic: (1) “Microorganism and environment”, code: CDTSSH-21 for PhD candidate Nguyen Quang Hoang Vu who was recognized as a PhD candidate in course 3, 2020; (2) “Agricultural biodiversity and sustainable development”, code: CDTSSH-01 for PhD candidate Nguyen Xuan Hieu who was recognized as a PhD candidate in course 4, 2021.

         PhD candidates reported the related contents of the thematic before the Professional Councils, and received high appreciation. The members of Councils recognized the efforts of the PhD candidates in the process of conducting the thematic. Besides, the Councils also had suggestions and directions to support the PhD candidates completing the reports.

         Some images at the Councils on May 17th, 2024:  

The Council for evaluating PhD candidate thematic, code CDTSSH-01

PhD candidate Nguyen Xuan Hieu presenting related research, code CDTSSH-01  

PhD candidate Nguyen Quang Hoang Vu presenting related research, code CDTSSH-21
