Development of a Co-dominant SCAR Marker Linked tothe Ph-3 Gene for Phytophthora infestans Resistance inTomato (Solanum lycopersicum)

 Summary: Random amplified polymorphism DNA (RAPD) and bulk segregant analysis (BSA) approaches were used to characterize the molecular marker linked to the Phytophthora infestans resistance gene Ph-3 in tomato. A total of 400 RAPD primers were screened. One RAPD marker UBC#602 was identified to be tightly linked to the Ph-3 gene. The marker was successfully converted into a co-dominant sequence characterized amplified region (SCAR) marker. The SCAR marker SCU602 was used to analyze 96 F2 progenies and fitted the expected 1:2:1 Mendelian segregation ratio. Forty one tomato inbred lines were screened using the SCAR marker incomparison with a reference marker linked to the Ph-3 gene and gave the same results. This SCAR marker can be used in breeding program for the selection of the Ph-3 gene for Phytophthora infestans resistance

 Type: Non-ISI/SCOPUS listed journals with ISSB/ISBN

 Author: Trương Thị Hồng Hải, Trần Ngọc Hùng, HS. Choi, PH. Park


 Journal:Korean Journal Horticulture Science Technology

 Issue, Number, Pages30, Supply I, 94


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 Score according to the decision of the National Council for Professor in Academic statue:

 Year of publication: 2012

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