Study on genetic diversity of Paris polyphylla population from Vietnam and China

 Summary: We investigated genetic diversity of 55 samples of valuable medicinal plant Paris polyphylla from different ecology regions (Thua Thien Hue, Vinh Phuc, Lao Cai (Vietnam) and Jilin (China)) using RAPD technique. We obtained total of 125 DNA polymorphic bands which average 15.63 polymorphic bands each primer used. The amplicon each primer varied 9-23 bands and their sizes ranged 257 to 2,448 bp. Among four regions, Thua Thien Hue showed highest genetic diversity level (Ho = 0.351) while Lao Cai was lowest (Ho = 0.198). The degree of genetic differentiation among populations were high (Gst = 0.301). Jaccard’s similarity coefficient values were from 0.021 to 0.910 with a mean of 0.302. A phenetic tree classified population into four main groups. Group one was Thua Thien Hue population with coefficients of genetic similarity approximately of 0.42 and group II contained population from Vinh Phuc, group III consisted of population from Thua Thien Hue, Vinh Phuc, Lao Cai, and Jilin, whereas group IV involved population from Thua Thien Hue and Jilin. Our study indicated that P. polyphylla genetic relationship and diversity levels were high.

 Type: International

 Author: Hoàng Tấn Quảng, Cái Thị Quỳnh Thoa, Trịnh Hữu Tấn, Nguyễn Đức Huy, Trương Thị Bích Phượng, Văn Thị Yến

 Unit: Laboratory of Gene technology, Director board of Institute

 Journal:Plant Cell Biotechnology and Molecular Biology (0972-2025)

 Issue, Number, Pages17, 1&2, 57-63

 ISSN/ISBN:0972 - 2025

 Impact factor:

 Score according to the decision of the National Council for Professor in Academic statue:

 Year of publication: 2016

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