Summary: This research was carried out on the Square-head climbing perch at the Center for Research and Practice on Fisheries - Hue University of Agriculture and Forestry from July 2012 to March 2013. The goal of study is to identify adaptability to salinity of Anabas testudineus Bloch, 1792 in case of gradually or suddenly increasing salinity in their life environment. This research had two experiment which were designed completely randomized. The main contents of the experiment were: i) feed intake speed, ii) blindness rate of fish, and iii) survival rate. The research results showed that for the experiment one that increase gradually salinity (2 ‰ /day) when increase salinity up to 30 ‰ after a day, the trial fish did not get the feed, fish blindness rate was 100%, the survival rate was 45.15%; for other experiment fish living in fresh water was move suddenly to environment with salinity of 0, 4, 8, 12, 16 and 20 ‰, at salinity levels of 0, 4, 8, 12 and 16 ‰ feed intake speed of the fish was still fast, did not appear blindness syndrome and high survival rate (> 80%), while at 20 ‰ salinity feed intake speed of fish was average, did not appear the blindness fish but low survival rate (46.67%).
Type: Domestic
Author: Ngô Hữu Toàn, Nguyễn Văn Khanh
Unit: Laboratory of Protein and Enzyme technology
Journal:Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development
Issue, Number, Pages24, 87-91
ISSN/ISBN:ISSN 1859-4581
Impact factor:
Score according to the decision of the National Council for Professor in Academic statue:1
Year of publication: 2013
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