Honors Institute of Biotechnology’s scientists on Day of Science and Technology in Vietnam

On May 17th, Hue University celebrated Vietnamese Day of Science and Technology. On this occasion, Hue University held a ceremony to honor lectures, scientists who have ISI international publications in 2018 or registered products for intellectual property protection and technology transfer.

A scientist of the Institute of Biotechnology, Hue University was rewarded for the publication on ISI Journals. In particular, 04 research groups were honored to receive technology transfer and intellectual property awards for projects:

  1. Brand registration under trademark of the Center for Incubation and Technology transfers (CSIT). Received a Trademark Registration Certificate – No. 294193
  2. Household scale technological procedure for growing and processing Spirulina – Utility solution, No: 2-2017-00118
  3. Technological procedure for Rabbit fish (Siganus guttatus Block, 1787) by semi-natural method – Utility solution, No: 2-2017-00393
  4. Technological procedure for fish stretch (Terapon jarbua Fosskal, 1758) – Utility solution, No: 2-2017-00394

Scientists receive awards at the Ceremony







